Sunday 27 October 2013

Happy Birthday youth leader Maryam Nawaz!

Maryam Nawaz Sharif  entered the town of politics just about 18 months ago and the lady got popular within passing days due to her activity on social media and then leading the campaign for her father in NA120 and visited other constituencies too which resulted in a marvellous victory for PMLN in Lahore.  Maryam Nawaz Sharif is the daughter of  PM Mian Nawaz Sharif and seems to be greatly inspired from her father and missions to carry his vision forward. For the last 16 years, she has been managing the Sharif Trust and the family’s philanthropic initiatives, which include a hospital, schools, and colleges. She is excited about becoming a working politician.Having met her and known her for about a time , she is one of the most kind and humble woman leader  instilled with great qualities she has inherited from her mother and father. I believe in calling her "Maa jaisi Maryam".
Her many interviews with urdu and english newspapers give a deep insight about her thinking and the volume of maturity speaks for itself. She wants to work on bills for Balochistan, across-the-board accountability, transparency in the wealth declarations of elected officials, affirmative action for women in the public sector, and improvement in Parliamentary performance through emphasis on research. She had been keeping a low profile about her ground activities and was trying to avoid the limelight of political stardom before the election campaign kicked off but I believe now is the time for her to come out and take the ignored party workers with her to work for a Roshan Pakistan..She has been offering great to PMLN and the Punjab government previously and looks forward to extend her services without any seat or designation further. She was involved with the strategy team meeting of PMLN and was supervising PMLN’s digital media team for elections. And for Punjab government previously and now, the PMLN-led Punjab government wants to see more women in public service through affirmative action, daycare facilities for working mothers, low-interest loans to entrepreneurs, more schools. Maryam Nawaz worked with other PMLN officers on the package as well as on the women-only Pink Bus scheme recently launched in the Punjab.
The lady has been kind to her people and the way she interacts on social media. Rather than sticking to the rhetoric politics and bad mouthing about other parties, she believes in promoting her party. Her mature approach towards her party’s decision and wishing the bitter “rival” Imran Khan , as the media says, good health after he fell off in a jalsa shows her capability of handling  sensitive matters in a rather a good way. She started to sitting at PMLN Secretariat at Lahore and led a tremendous campaign for PMLN in election and is addressing the issues of women,youth and old workers of the party! She believes in staying close to her people and says,
“I am for better Pakistan and shall take all along with my self”
She will be most probably also addressing the issues of NA120 from where Mian Nawaz Shairf is elected.
Have met her few time and hearing her deliver her speech at jalsas and events have been an absolute delight to the ears. When asked her about being debater as a student, I was surprised to hear that she was very shy in her school days! Her transition from a shy person to an excellent speaker is mainly due to the hardships faced over time by her and her family. People, criticized her for distributing laptops to the student on behalf of Punjab government without holding any formal position, forget that in what capacity was she exiled with her little kids from her own country, was she holding any position back then?
Maryam Nawaz's entry into politics was seen as a sign of optimism and she lived upto that expectation. Her astute understanding of the present challenges faced by our country and her eagerness to work for their correction and to bring about prominent changes and developments has brought hope to many people. Her presence in politics has filled a void in the present political scenario of Pakistan. I wish the lady best of luck for the future and advise her to carry on the way she has started.
On her birthday I wish her luck and success and hope she leads the youth towards better. Happy birthday Maryam Nawaz sahiba!

Majid Tamoor  (@MajidTamoor)

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